History & Roadmap
1.0 [pre-May 2023]
- original system on IONOS (before hiring Israel)
- sites spread across multiple contracts, domains, servers, filesystems
- Elementor+oceanWP
- local cache plugin
- all-in-one migrator to copy/backup/move
- separate subdomains (and installs) for spanish, years
1.1 “Migration” [Jun 2023]
- migrated or started on Kinsta
- still Elementor+oceanWP
- implemented MainWP dashboard for updating+managing all sites centrally
- added Translatepress for multi-language
- replaced AIO migrator with wp migrate pro
- removed local cache plugin
- removed shortpixel plugin
1.2 “Renewal Years” [Aug 2023]
- NEW Omega Multi-Year Content plugin
- still Elementor+oceanWP
- multiple years of content preserved on same site
- added Simple Page Ordering plugin for drag&drop
- removed Page Duplicator plugin
- page title header backgrounds now determined by Featured Image
- front page becomes the current Overview
- all pages have Year and Usage taxonomy (overview, benefit, landing, unused)
- Overview pages are parents with benefit content pages as children
- new sidebar widgets for overview buttons
- automatic dynamic prev/next buttons on every page (remove old buttons!)
- shortcode for overview grids/list [overview]
- overview grids, next/prev links, nav menu anchors are dynamically generated (no more hardlinks)
2.0 “Static” [Jan 2024]
- All sites moved to a multi-site subdomain staging instance (xxx.omegastaging.net)
- Edits and updates performed on private wordpress sub-site, client uses staging domain for preview
- Live public sites are published as static files, hosted separately (increase speed, total security, reduced wordpress instance load and cost)
- still Elementor+oceanWP
- removed Ultimate Addons for Elementor
- removed Premium Addons for Elementor
- removed Ajax Search Lite plugin
- removed WPCode Lite (code snippets)
- Omega Year plugin updated to 1.2
- code snippet tweaks implemented internally now
- cleaned up abandoned database tables and revisions
- PDF upload automatically generates thumbnails
- new PDF shortcode that utilizes auto generated thumbs
[pdf id=”642″ title=”Document Name”] - search powered by Algolia (with realtime results)
- dedicated 404 ‘Sorry!’ page with sitemap
- new shortcode to embed flimpv video (instead of external links)
[flimp src=”HubDeliverablesQualifyingEvent” title=”Qualifying Event”] - custom date range for benefit years (Apr 2023 – Mar 2024)
- code snippets incorporated in Omega plugin, removed 3rd party
- converted all PDF and Flimp Video usage in the template to shortcodes
- clean up/consolidate stock media library
- replace Ocean Sticky header
- new shortcode to replace elementor carousel on homepage
- footer link that takes to form on Omega Corporate for client edits/updates
- custom settings input for sidebar links (replace bad widget)
2.5 “Dry Land”
- swap oceanWP for custom theme? (just for styling to mimic oceanwp, but keep using elementor for layout)
3.0 “Firing Elementor”
- Omega Theme becomes fully block-based, taking over layout and design from Elementor (requires content conversion!!)